Hot line : 19416

Oral Maxillofacial

Indications : 

1) Removal of wisdom tooth
Gum infection or pericoronitis can occur if the wisdom tooth is partially erupted. Infections lead to bad breath, pain and swelling. Impacted or not erupted wisdom teeth can sometimes cause pressure pain and resorption if close enough to the neighboring teeth.
Orthodontic reasons, for straightening teeth or creating a space if the teeth are crowding.
Wisdom teeth with abscess or cyst infected should be removed as they lead to bone resorption.

2) Sinus lifting
When dealing with dental implants in the posterior region and there isn’t enough bone for the implant’s primary stability.
When a long period of time has passed after an extraction, the sinus expands and infiltrates more bone: therefore, a sinus lifting procedure should be done.

3) Ramus surgery
Areas where bone is needed for placing an implant should be augmented by slicing a part of the ramus bone to provide more stability.

Strength Points:

  • Digital 3d x-ray provide a great deal of information regarding wisdom teeth remaval, sinus lifting or ramus surgery.
  • All the instruments used are super sterile to ensure a bacteria free environment.
  • Procedures mentioned are completely pain free.

What to expect ?

  • It is natural to expect a normal swelling so apply an ice pack to the outside of your face for 15 minutes on and off for 24 hours.
  • It is natural to have some blood mixed with your saliva and in case it slightly increases apply a wet tea bag to the bleeding area and the bleeding should stop. If the bleeding persists, contact our center.
  • Slight pain is completely natural following the surgery so follow the prescribed medications.