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The history of dental implant

Tooth loss affects the body in general, start from changing the shape of the face to difficulty eating and talking properly

Bad breath (causes and solution)

Bad breath is one of the most common symptoms that alert you there is something wrong in your mouth, and you must visit the

Caffeine the most common causes of yellow teeth

Teeth change color due to several factors, but the most common are drinks that contain caffeine, gradually changing the color of the teeth and neglecting

10 tips to protect your child from tooth decay

Tooth decay is a major cause of all dental problems, especially children’s teeth, so you should take into consideration that caring for your children’s

The history of dental implant

Tooth loss affects the body in general, start from changing the shape of the face to difficulty eating and talking properly

Bad breath (causes and solution)

Bad breath is one of the most common symptoms that alert you there is something wrong in your mouth, and you must visit the

Caffeine the most common causes of yellow teeth

Teeth change color due to several factors, but the most common are drinks that contain caffeine, gradually changing the color of the teeth and neglecting

10 tips to protect your child from tooth decay

Tooth decay is a major cause of all dental problems, especially children’s teeth, so you should take into consideration that caring for your children’s

Top 5 questions about dental implants

Many people ask about dental implants, do they last for life? Is it painful? How are dental implants performed? What is the duration of dental implants

How dental implants are performed in Shiny White centers

Dental implants are considered an alternative solution to replace lost teeth in the mouth, as they replace old teeth, it’s worth noting that neglecting missing teeth

The ultimate solution for teeth spaces

Teeth spaces cause various problems, which affects their aesthetic appearance, their smile, the position of the teeth, and the integrity of the gums in general,

Neglecting root canal treatment leads to losing your tooth!

Tooth decay is the beginning of every disease, that may affect the teeth in the short term, when the caries increases, the bacteria increase with it over time

How to fix crowded teeth

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system

What are the benefits of rinsing the mouth with saltwater?

I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness.